
A great post by a great woman! Check it out.

あなたの決断の影響力 The impact of your decisions.

あなたの決断の影響力 The impact of your decisions

New Venue!

Jesus Lifehouse Sendai just started at a new venue!

We are now in Livehouse Enn Every Sunday from 12!!

It’s really exciting and already a great hit.

Being part of such a great team, and working towards the same goal is really fulfilling. I feel connected and driven.

Where do you go to feel that connection?

Great Expectations

So many people have high expectations of others.

Parents expect their children to go to university, children expect their parents to be able to solve any problem, and patients expect their doctor to cure them.

These aren’t bad expectations. We should always hope the best for our children, trust in our parents and expect our doctors to try their best.

But how far should we go?

Some women expect their future partner to come riding in on a white horse, some parents expect their children to get perfect in every test and become high level executives, and some people expect others to be infallible.

Is putting that pressure on other people really a good thing?

Most children will lie to their parents at some stage in their life, and a lot of people will try to make themselves sound more important than they actually are. The reason? There is this emotional need to have people approve of them.

What are your expectations of others? Are they high enough to challenge them or so high that they are unattainable?

An Invitation

Easter is coming!

It’s the biggest event of the Christian yearly calender and there is no way you should miss it!
What does it involve?

Chocolate, friends, church and the most inspiring story you’ve ever heard in your life!

If you want to know about what Easter is really about, please click on the link below, and find your nearest Jesus Lifehouse!

And even better news…

If you can’t come, you can watch it on-line!

Whatever you do, don’t miss out on the biggest celebration of the year.

What does Easter mean to you?

Perfect Vision

What is your vision type?

There are 3 types of “vision” that I’m aware of.

A personal vision.

This is where you have a goal for yourself. It will help you, make you better skilled, and it’s something you love. And it’s all for you alone.

Others oriented vision.

This is something you want to do for someone else. Either you decided to do it for them, or they requested it of you. It has very little to do with personal vision.

A bigger picture vision.

This is a vision that incorporates your talents, gifts and a love of other people. It is one in which you seek to change yourself for the better, help others and make a difference in the world.
None of the three types of vision are bad, but which one are you aiming for?

What’s your vision?

Taking Care of Yourself

Take care of yourself!

No matter what you do, who you are and why you are there, we all have an obligation to take care of ourselves. Not for our partner (or prospective partner) not for work or family, but for ourselves.

My friends and I take care of each other, too!

I definitely feel better if I’ve put a little effort into myself.
For some, this may mean wearing make-up, or nice clothes, for others it could be going to the gym or eating healthily. Whatever this means to you, everything leads to one thing; to do the best with what we’ve got is what we should aim for.
I am a five foot tall (153cm), hazel-eyed brunette. There is no use in me trying to be a tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl. I want to be the best petite hazel-eyed girl with brown hair that I can be!

Proud to show who I am

Who do you want to be?

What do you do everyday to take care of yourself?

Protected: Guys and Girls dinner!

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All good things…

I’m in Sendai today!!!

I’m really thankfull for the three friends who’ve blessed me by letting me stay in their house tonight, and for my company who are providing a place for me to stay in while training.

I met some amazing people at street-band, and look forward to our growing friendship!
I can’t wait to go to JLH tomorrow. It’s going to be epic!
I’m really having a hard time being patient and looking for a place here to live, I just feel that I want to find a place soon! but still, I want to find a place that is right for my needs and I can use as an open house.
Still, patience is a virtue, and I’m hoping for the right place to come along.

What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?


In preparing to move to sendai I need to take on the very daunting task of throwing out stuff.

Actually this is a lot harder than it looks, because I’m a bit of a hoarder.

Hoarder - a person who accumulates things and hides them away for future use
I’m not pathological and I do have times of just having clear outs, but it does build up over time.
It’s a good thing I move around so much otherwise packing this time wouldn’t just be a challenge, it’d be a nightmare to compare with turning up at the wrong company on the first day of work. (Yeah, I had that one)
But here’s the thing; Now I have a much greater purpose than keeping all these unnecessary things. I’m moving to Sendai to help Jesus Lifehouse there.  My old clutter, which will only be in the way, needs to go.


It was the same thing when I first started going to Jesus Lifehouse in Tokyo, I had a lot of emotional clutter, and I needed a clear out. Just like I’m assessing my stuff now as to what to keep and what to throw/give away, I had to throw out my anxiety, my hurt, and my inability to let people get close.

Me, before I could open up (figuratively, not literally, it's a metaphor thing)

Now, I am happier, I can more easily get over hurt, and I love my close friends so much that I tell them that every time I see that.

Whatever happens in your life, are you taking the time to make sure that you aren’t dragging unnecessary rubbish with you?

Under the apple tree…

“Give… Why?!”

People are always saying that “hard word bears good fruit”, and “give and you’ll receive, just like planting seeds, you bear fruit in time”

I wanted to see just how much a person could get from planting just one seed. So I looked at apples. In one apple there aren’t that many seeds, so that’s easy right? Wrong.

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